CodeCore Brings Eight-week Coding Bootcamp to Vancouver

A new coding academy is opening in Vancouver.

Dubbed “Vancouver’s first developer bootcamp”—announced after, but launching before, Functional Imperative’s Lighthouse Labs—CodeCore Bootcamp is an eight-week, full-time training program targeted at novice and beginner developers, including those with absolutely no coding knowledge.

Instructors such as software developer Jay Holtslander and user experience architect Steve Fisher will teach students HTLM, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Ruby on Rails, and more.

JAY HOLTSLANDER: Here’s How Canadian Coding Schools Can Prosper

“The CodeCore Bootcamp curriculum was developed by our team of industry veterans, who continuously consult with our corporate Hiring Partners to review, update and optimize our program,” CodeCore says. “

We teach not just the fundamentals of coding and programming languages, but also offer real-world training in software architecture and development methodologies and processes.”

“Graduates come away with the tools and understanding to communicate and work effectively with teams in a fast-paced development environment,” the organization added.

CodeCore costs $9,600 (based on a year of monthly payments)—or about $1,200 per week of full-time training—but applicants can save up to $2,000 by paying money upfront. Females pay $500 less, an initiative practised by Toronto’s Bitmaker Labs since July.